Adventures of Brisky Bear and Trooper Dog: Back Home Again, The
Submitted by Joyce Faulkner on December 30, 2011 - 15:01Title: The Adventures of Brisky Bear and Trooper Dog: Back Home Again
Author: Steven Bolt
Genre: Children, Under 12
ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): ISBN / EAN
Be Kind, Be Friendly, Be Thankful address the issues of separation, loneliness, sadness, anger and frustration. In the book Brisky Bear, the adult figure, has to go away to work on a farm. The young pup Trooper Dog, who is the child figure, wrestles through his feelings of separation while Brisky is away. The book shows how hard deployment can be, but demonstrates healthy ways for children to respond to the deployment of their parents. The book teaches children how to be heroes at home by being Kind, Friendly and Thankful.