Waking Up in the Land of the Morning Calm
Submitted by Jim Greenwald on December 8, 2012 - 04:33Title: Waking Up in the Land of the Morning Calm
Author: Jeffrey Miller
Genre: Creative Non-Fiction
Reviewer: Pat McGrath Avery
ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1257851284
"How did you end up in Korea? " is a question that most people have asked when they learn that I have lived and worked in South Korea. "I turned left at Japan," I've often replied, tweaking a famous line from The Beatles' A Hard Day's Night when John Lennon was asked, "How did you find America? " upon which he replied, "Turned left at Greenland." Since 1990, Jeffrey Miller, who originally came to South Korea to teach English, has survived nuclear crises, met former U.S. Presidents, Yoko Ono, interviewed the current President of Korea, flown into Panmunjom with CNN and pushed 8G's in an F-16 in the skies over Korea.