Book Reviews

Reviews of books by MWSA members. Reviews appear in reverse chronological order, with the most recent review posted appearing first.
Note: Some older reviews are being reposted to this site and those will appear out of order.

Listen for the Whispers: Coping with Grief and Learning to Live Again

Title: Listen for the Whispers: Coping with Grief and Learning to Live Again
Author: Kim Kluxen Meredith
Genre: Spiritual/Religious
Reviewer: E Franklin Evans

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1934980471

“The whine of the sirens pierced deeply into my soul…” After a tragic one-car accident, a young mother catapults from an idyllic life to one filled with grief and uncertainty. By listening to the guiding whispers within her, Kim Kluxen Meredith’s journey from unfathomable heartache to a life once again filled with love and laughter is the inspiring story of hope for everyone who has experienced the loss of someone beloved to them.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Meredith, Kim Kluxen

Forgotten Soldiers: What Happened to Jacob Walden

Titel: Forgotten Soldiers: What Happened to Jacob Walden
Author: Warren Martin
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewer: Edward Cox

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): B007WMQWGK

Cold War Mystery about Air Force Captain Jacob Walden shot down over Vietnam in 1970 and the untold story of why he never returned home. Forty years later Journalist Ted Pratt investigates what may be the sudden reappearance of Jacob Walden and follows the trail to find Jacob. Ted encounters Charlie Smith, a secretive and seasoned Operative who may have answers to the question about “What Happened to Jacob Walden,” and why Jake never returned home.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Martin, Warren

Barbados Bound

Title: Barbados Bound
Author: Linda Collison
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewer: Betsy Beard.

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1611792290

Portsmouth, England,1760. Patricia Kelley, the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy Barbadian sugarcane planter, falls from her imagined place in the world when her absent father unexpectedly dies. Raised in a Wiltshire boarding school sixteen-year-old Patricia embarks on a desperate crossing on a merchantman bound for Barbados, where she was born, in a brash attempt to claim an unlikely inheritance. Aboard a merchantman under contract with the British Navy to deliver gunpowder to the West Indian forts, young Patricia finds herself pulled between two worlds -- and two identities -- as she charts her own course for survival in the war-torn 18th century.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Collison, Linda

Trail Cook Chronicles, The

Title: The Trail Cook Chronicles
Author: David Michaelson
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewer: Lee Boyland

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0984842284

Trail Cook Chronicles begins where Trail Cook left off; at Fort Union, New Mexico, the last outpost of soldiers assigned to protect settlers and travelers from attack by hostile Apache and Comanche Indians on the Santa Fe Trail. Able Piddington has become a legend in his own time. His skill with a cookpot and his pugilistic abilities have made him a famous man throughout the region at the tender age of twenty-five. With his faithful companion Kristen and a scruffy tag along snake-hunting dog named Gopher, the three of them honor Able's promise to escort a friendly band of Apache to the Mescalero Apache Reservation before the snows of winter in 1875. The half wolf, half dog, amazes the Apache warriors with his ability to sniff out rattlesnakes and kill them for his supper. Once free of their commitment to the apache, Kristen, Able, and Gopher set out through uncharted territory to seek out further adventure where they can find it. Towns with reputations like Tombstones, Mesila, Tucson, and Yuma provide all the excitement either of them might want. How they make their way and where their journey takes them are The Trail Cook Chronicles.


Author(s) Mentioned: 
Michaelson, David

Renegades, The

Title: The Renegades
Author: Tom Young
Genre: Mystery
Reviewer: Joyce M. Gilmour

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0399158464

A catastrophic earthquake ravages Afghanistan, and American troops rush to deliver aid. In his new role as an adviser to the Afghan Air Force, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Parson faces one of the biggest challenges of his career, aided by his interpreter, Sergeant Major Sophia Gold. The devastation facing them is like nothing they've ever seen--and it's about to get worse. A Taliban splinter group, Black Crescent, is conducting its own campaign--shooting medical workers, downing helicopters, slaughtering anyone who dares to accept aid. With the U.S. drawing down and coalition forces spread thin, it's up to Parson, Gold, and Parson's Afghan aircrews to strike back. But they're short of supplies, men, experience, and information--and the terrorists seem to be nowhere...and everywhere.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Young, Tom
