Book Reviews

Reviews of books by MWSA members. Reviews appear in reverse chronological order, with the most recent review posted appearing first.
Note: Some older reviews are being reposted to this site and those will appear out of order.

Haysoos the Honu

Title: Haysoos the Honu
Author: Kristin Barnes
Genre: Children
ISBN 1937406342

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1937406342

Synopsis: Haysoos the Honu is a Hawaiian sea turtle . He loves the company of other creatures, but he feels different from the fish, eels, and manta rays. His bulky shell slows him down, and his lungs mean he has to interrupt playtime to surface for air. Haysoos believes that being different is a bad thing, until he meets a special friend who shows him just how special it is to be different!

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Barnes, Kristin

George - 3 - 7th Marines: A Brief Glimpse Through Time of a Group of Young Marines

Title: George - 3 - 7th Marines: A Brief Glimpse Through Time of a Group of Young Marines
Author: Jim Nicholson
Genre: Memoir
Reviewer: Steve Maffeo

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1426947828

In the four years of the Korean War, America lost almost 54,000 men, roughly the same number who lost their lives in Vietnam, yet this war has almost disappeared into American history as the "Forgotten War". George-3-7th Marines tells a story of the bloody Marine infantry campaigns fought in the deadly mountain ranges of Korea; it is a story told by the men who fought there-and died anonymously-in an unknown and bloody war.

The never-before-told tales of the battle-hardened Marines of G-3-7 were collected and recorded by one of their own. Described by those who experienced the action firsthand, these accounts blend the shocking details of savage, bloody, killing with gentle, almost heartbreaking prose seldom seen in a chronicle of war. Jim Nicholson paints a brutally accurate picture of America and the Valhalla culture that shaped the toughness of soldiers in the fifties.

He examines the events and mistakes that led to a collision of the free world with the rapidly expanding Communist military machine. He reminds us that history does, in fact, show clearly that the sacrifice of young American boys saved the South Koreans, who now live freely in their beautiful "Land of the Morning Calm".

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Nicholson, Jim

No Good Like It Is

Title: No Good Like It Is
Author: McKendree R. Long lll
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewer; Bonnie Toews

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1450580785

1858, Fort Gibson, Indian Territory. 2d Lieutenant Dobey Walls meets and bonds with veteran Corporal Jimmy Melton. As the Civil War begins, they leave to join the 8th Texas Cavalry in Houston, then take part in the first and the final charges of the Army of Tennessee. Between those events, they ride with Nathan Bedford Forrest, play an honorable role in the Fort Pillow Massacre, harass Sherman with Shannon's Raiders, and visit the second best brothel in Atlanta. As surrender looms, they're released to search for Dobey's long-missing family in the Texas Panhandle. Their efforts are hampered by destitute farmers, lonely widows, dangerous militia, freed slaves, and runaways, who increase their numbers and excitement. In the process, they save a quadroon and her daughter from Yankee deserters who have stolen a Union payroll. This act of mercy brings them romance but puts Pinkerton detectives and a renegade lawman on their trail. Confederate Cherokees and Cheyenne Dog Soldiers add to the chaos.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Long lll, McKendree R.

Shaken to the Core (and Finding God's Strength)

Title: Shaken to the Core (and Finding God's Strength)
Author: Marjorie Hodgson Parker
Genre: Spiritual/Religious
Reviewer: Barbara Peacock

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1933979992

Drawing from powerful personal stories and timeless truths from the Bible, this devotional book offers hope and comfort for the darkest of times. These devotionals along with gentle exercises help strengthen body and soul as they build trust in God

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Parker, Marjorie Hodgson
