Get Rich in a Niche: The Insider’s Guide To Self-Publishing in a Specialized Market

Book Information:
(Links go to the MWSA Amazon store!)


Author's Summary

Get Rich in a Niche shows you how to be a niche expert in three well explained steps 1. Become an expert 2. Publish your book 3. Market your book


MWSA Review

Bennett is an expert on the laws and prcedures of security, especially in relation to security procedures in relation to military-related contracts, to providing security in businesses with Federal contracts, and security at domestic and oveseas Federal facilities.  Having publshed several books on how individuals and companies can obtain ceritfication for Federal contracts or provide security in such settings (see my related review on his INSIDER'S GUIDE to passing a security examination) Bennett now offers his advice on how a person, or firm, could use a self-published book to promote their "niche market."  Using examples like photography and steam railroad hobbying, he argues that there "is no easier or faster opportunity to build your own empire than while in a niche" market.  He does not go so far as to say that wealth and success will come quickly.  Instead, he lays out details for developing a business plan, including a budget, and then marketing your product or service with a self-published book, supplemented  by web sites and social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).  As in his previous publications, Bennett explains his steps in clear and simple sentences and offers encouragement throughout -- "choose a good name for your company, pick a name that is easily recognizable and easy to pronounce."  All in all the book is comprehensive and easy to follow, and can be taken as his best example of what to do, although snappier illustrations and charts would have enhanced it. The niche market offers several possibilities for those considering their own business.  There are many competing publications out there (more than two dozen similar works turned up in a quick search on Amazon, but most are more expensive than Bennett's).   Indeed, at a very reasonable $3.99 for an electronic (Kindle) copy, MWSA members who are considering putting their own books out by self-publishing would find Bennett's advice a very useful companion to MWSA's own workshops.

Reviewed by: Terry L. Shoptaugh (2012).

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Bennett, Jeffrey
Shoptaugh, Terry
Work Type: