Understanding Amazon Links
Submitted by C. S. Wyatt on December 9, 2011 - 19:51
Any content on the MWSA website with an "Amazon ASIN" field will link to the on-site Amazon store. The ASIN is Amazon's ten-digit part number. It is often the ISBN, but not always (especially for eBooks). Anything with an Amazon ASIN can be entered into an Amazon ASIN field.
There are ASIN fields for the following:
- Personal profiles: promote you books by adding as many as ASINs as you want.
- Blogs: it limits you to about four per blog. Be reasonable.
- Reviews: technically, no limit, so you can list three or four editions of the same book. The problem is, Amazon doesn't return teh "edition type" (paper, hardcover) so all the links might appear the same.
- Articles: limited to about four, like blogs. (Technically, a blog is an article.)
Please, for your own promotional purposes, be sure to update your profiles to include ASIN field data.