Writing issues!

I just got off the phone with one of the reviewers who is also an English teacher. She encouraged me to mention to everyone who is writing and/or editing a book right now several issues that we see over and over again in the submissions that we receive. I'll bring them here for discussion over the next several days.

First, many of our members overuse passive voice. Passive voice is when the verb acts on the subject of the sentence rather than the object. Example, "The vase was broken by the wind." or "The boy was beaten by his father."

Debut of Audiobook, "Cherries - A Vietnam War Novel" Exceeds Author's Expectations

I am proud to announce that my audiobook version of “Cherries – A Vietnam War Novel” is now available on Audible.com, Amazon.Com and I-Tunes as an MP3 download. Even if you’ve already read “Cherries”, the audiobook version brings the story to life. The narrator has a dynamic and exciting voice – each character having his own distinctive voice and accent. I was truly captivated and mesmerized by the narration – the style and emotion make it seem like a new story all together.
