Keeping The Scales Tipped @ Happiness

When I contemplate individuals in my life who have the right to be bitter, my Maternal Aunt is the first person who immediately comes to mind. In the span of her lifetime, she has lost two husbands and her only son. Her first husband passed away when she was nine months pregnant with their fourth child. He succumbed to pneumonia while in the hospital, post gallbladder surgery. In the years that followed, my Aunt struggled to raise her four children without the benefit of their father.

Webmaster's Corner - We're Almost Done!

Yes, it really is almost done...

The new and improved MWSA Website (version 3.0) is up and running. In the coming days, we will be sprucing up the artwork and adjusting the colors a little. It was a three-day rush with a lot of help from Jim Greenwald, Joyce Faulkner, and Dwight Zimmerman. In the last two years, we've transformed the MWSA site from an old-fashioned static site to a "live" site with content that changes almost daily. If you aren't using the site... you should be!

2013 Conference

September is not far off, a little pre-planning is always a great idea. So, some key points and features are here for you to see and plan for (Dayton, Ohio September 26-29). Holiday Inn, Conference Center I-675, 2800 Presidential Drive, Fairborn, Ohio 45324.

Recommended Reading List Spring 2013

MWSA Recommended Reading List

Spring 2013 


The Military Writers Society of America (MWSA) is an organization of over one thousand writers, poets, and artists drawn together by a common bond of military service.  One purpose of our Society is to review the written works of our members.  From our recent book reviews, which can be found on this website, we’ve selected the following as our 2013 Spring Recommended Reading List: 


No One Else to Kill  by  Bob Doerr  

