
Lost in the Blue Room

Title: Lost in the Blue Room
Author: Richard Barone
Genre: Fiction Sub-Category: Literary Fiction
Reviewer: Carmen Stenholm

ISBN (for Amazon store): 0975471163

Would the Twin Towers still be standing if federal air marshals were flying on September 11, 2001? Ex-sky marshal Jack High thinks so, and he’s about to make the government and airlines pay for gross negligence. Armed with a top-secret gun-cloaking device, he hijacks a new blended-wing airliner and demands that the passengers take a journey back to 1970 when the original sky marshals flew. With the taste of ashes still in their memories of 9/11, the passengers savor first-class meals and read America’s Most Wanted Novel that Nobody Ever Wanted on the inflight Internet. Fly first class around the world—Paris, Rome, Bangkok—compliments of the besieged airlines. Be anyone you want to be—CEO, plastic surgeon, biodynamic therapist—all expenses paid by the government. It’s a dream job and Andrea High loves it. Total anonymity. Drugs. Sex. Violence. Who’s to know when even your sex is in question? The hijacker, of course, ready to strike! Highly addicted to being a cover story, Andrea loses sight of the destination, and the flight becomes a terrorism of obscurity—the very thing the passengers are helpless to destroy. Written by a former sky marshal, this book takes place in jumbo jets, communal apartments, hotel rooms, and blue rooms. Boardrooms and courtrooms are not on the itinerary.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Barone, Richard

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Although our members have opinions regarding current events, our intent is to support the United States military rather than denounce it. We have no illusion that the performance of our military or our nation's leaders are flawless, but we feel strongly that there are more than enough existing venues for criticizing them. We do not wish to become another one. Consequently, we make efforts to avoid publishing material that we find to be primarily critical in nature. Please submit requests for review to our Lead Reviewer, jim greenwald by using the "Submit Book for Review" heading on the right hand side of the menu.
