

Title: Lethargica
Author: Edward H. Carpenter
Genre: Literary Fiction
Reviewer: Bob Doerr

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): B007Z9AKJK

1917. In the French trench-lines of the Western Front, an American volunteer lives from letter to letter, as high explosive shells rain down and poison gas permeates the air. His wife’s words are the only link to a world that is still clean and bright, a world unlike the one which surrounds him; mud, barbed wire, shell fragments and decaying men, some dead, some still alive. And then, one day, her letters stop coming.

To what lengths will a man go to save the only thing truly worth fighting for? Or is it already too late? Based on terrible events that were all too real, this story will reveal hidden truths to shed light on one of the little-known tragedies of a decade that decimated a generation of the world’s youth.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Carpenter, Edward H.

Waking Up in the Land of the Morning Calm

Title: Waking Up in the Land of the Morning Calm
Author: Jeffrey Miller
Genre: Creative Non-Fiction
Reviewer: Pat McGrath Avery

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1257851284

"How did you end up in Korea? " is a question that most people have asked when they learn that I have lived and worked in South Korea. "I turned left at Japan," I've often replied, tweaking a famous line from The Beatles' A Hard Day's Night when John Lennon was asked, "How did you find America? " upon which he replied, "Turned left at Greenland." Since 1990, Jeffrey Miller, who originally came to South Korea to teach English, has survived nuclear crises, met former U.S. Presidents, Yoko Ono, interviewed the current President of Korea, flown into Panmunjom with CNN and pushed 8G's in an F-16 in the skies over Korea.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Miller, Jeffrey

Tying Up Water and Other Stories

Title: Tying Up Water and Other Stories
Author: Ross H. MacKenzie
Genre: Short Story Collection
Reviewer: Rob Ballister

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): B007K1VMYU

A helicopter crash leaves Stuart adrift with unreliable memories, foggy recollections, and bittersweet realizations. Through this catastrophic experience, Stuart must rely on his strength, his family, and his faith to try and persevere. Sensual passion, exhilarating rock climbs, and tender hope for a legacy combine to define this remarkable story as not only a harrowing adventure, but also a touching love story.

The collection delivers other stories equally captivating in arenas varying from Australian rock climbing to high-sea Navy adventures. Ross H. Mackenzie is an award-winning author best known for his Patriot Kids children’s book series that positively impacts military families every day.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
MacKenzie, Ross H.

Small as a Mustard Seed

Title: Small as a Mustard Seed
Author: Shelli Johnson
Genre: Fiction, Literary
Reviewer: Bob Doerr

ISBN : B00537SSQ8

As a child in 1960's rural Ohio, Ann Marie Adler finds herself caught between her father, Frank, a veteran who survived the war in Korea but with devastating post-traumatic stress, and her mother, Adele, who is blindsided by the mental illness that accompanied him home. In a series of escalating dangerous episodes, Frank confuses reality with soul-searing memories, believing he's still a soldier fighting for his life in battle-torn Korea. During the delusions, Ann Marie and her younger sister, Jolene, become the enemy, which leaves them fearing for their lives. Unable to fully protect her daughters, Adele scrambles to keep order while her husband's threatening and unpredictable outbursts slowly tear the family apart.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Johnson, Shelli
