MWSA Recommended Reading List Autumn 2013
Submitted by Bob Doerr on September 15, 2013 - 14:20MWSA Recommended Reading List
Autumn 2013
MWSA Recommended Reading List
Autumn 2013
Here's another opportunity to submit your work for consideration. The link will take you to their submission form.
Here’s my personal invitation: Submit your work for our consideration. We want to add a few new clients to our list. We are accepting work in the following genres only: novel/memoir, poetry, and short prose (fiction or personal essays).
Here's a poetry contest with a June 30, 2013 deadline for the Blue Mountain Arts greeting card company:
MWSA Recommended Reading List
Spring 2013
The Military Writers Society of America (MWSA) is an organization of over one thousand writers, poets, and artists drawn together by a common bond of military service. One purpose of our Society is to review the written works of our members. From our recent book reviews, which can be found on this website, we’ve selected the following as our 2013 Spring Recommended Reading List:
No One Else to Kill by Bob Doerr
Title: Pass The Salt Doc
Authors: Mike Mullins and Jim Greenwald
Genre: Poetry
Reviewer: Joyce M. Gilmour
ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1630005959
This collection of poetry is about after. After the war, its focus is PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), a serious issue among returning Veterans from all wars. Not easily recognized or readily identified. It does not have a set pattern that can be written down and checked off for all, as PTSD has many faces. This book is dedicated to all Veterans, past, present and future. For it is the Veteran we owe everything to, and taking care of each one is a national responsibility. The arts can and do work wonders for those suffering from PTSD and we would suggest that writing poetry is the strongest drug available to each of you and requires no prescription. Writing provides the externalization necessary to overcome traumatic events/experiences. No poetry you write is wrong or right it is simply necessary on the path of recovery. We are not therapists or professionals in this field and do not pretend to have magic cures. We will state that no professional can "cure" you without your coming to grips from within yourself with the issue and using that ability which we all possess to help ourselves. Writing allows the individual to place on paper emotions they find difficult to vocalize. It is this written expression that can bring about the change needed if "cure" is the desired destination.