
On Watch

On Watch

 I had the twenty hundred to midnight watch on deck,

It was Christmas Eve and it was cold as heck.

As I stood there gazing out over the ocean,

My heart was filled with deep emotion.

From the Stern

From the Stern

There is beauty just looking at the ocean,

It fills a sailor with deep emotion.

To stand on the stern and depart the pier,

I pray to God I can see you my dear.

But the murky color of the harbor water,

Grows clearer as the ship moves farther.

Out to sea is the destination course,

My heart feels pain and distance is the source.

Sailors know the drill of underway,

Morning Glory

Morning Glory

This morning you looked a little blue,

It seemed your color had lost its hue.

Your red looked like fresh blood just shed,

From a wounded soldier now dead.

Your white was stained from many tears,

But because of you we have no fears.

For you are the red, white, and blue,

We will give up our lives to protect you.

Heart Without Words, A

Title: A Heart Without Words
Author: David McDonald
Genre: Poetry
Reviewer: Cathryn J. Prince

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1471770885

This poetry deals with the emotions Soldiers and their loved ones must deal with in a myriad of situations. This poetry is much softer in nature to my previous work and is, I hope, easier on the reader for that.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
McDonald, David

My Peaceful Dad

Title: My Peaceful Dad
Author: Ross H. Mackenzie
Genre: Poetry
Reviewer: Hodge Wood

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): B007K1V2X6

My Peaceful Dad presents practical lessons on life – its challenges, joys, and hopes – in easy-to-understand and approachable ways while also offering the reader biblical references to investigate more about Christ’s original teachings, making them realistic and tangible. My Peaceful Dad is perfect for anyone facing transition in life, from pre-school through grad-school and from puberty through retirement. “Your actions and your state of mind / Can influence all mankind.”

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Mackenzie, Ross H.
