MWSA Member

News about an MWSA member(s).

More In Formation

I'm new to MWSA membership. I've just finished a memoir of my career in the Air Force, 1980 - 2000. Yeah, I'm a Cold War baby, a woman, and a retired support officer. So what I have to say isn't similar to many of the military memoirs today. I wrote In Formation: What the Air Force Taught Me about Holding On and Manning Up because I recognized that even without battles, the military demands courage, of all types. I'm still looking at options regarding publication, but in the meantime I've started a blog. This was my first entry:

Call to Arms, A

Title: A Call to Arms
Author: William Hammond
Genre: Fiction, Historical
Reviewer: Bob Doerr

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1612511449

A Call To Arms is the fourth volume in the award-winning Cutler Family Chronicles series. The backdrop of this novel is the First Barbary War, fought in the years between 1801 and 1805. Included are such real-life characters as Capt. Edward Preble, Lt. Stephen Decatur, Lt. Richard Somers, Prince Hamet of Tripoli, and army captain William Eaton. Also included are the cast of fictional characters that define the Chronicles. The action is set primarily in the Mediterranean and in North Africa.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Hammond, William C.

In A Year

In a year of journeying on this road to publishing and launching my first book, I have been blessed with many gifts. I have come to better understand the beauty which lies within than that of my outside reflection. I have come to realize the importance of speaking the words which lie in my heart. For these terms of endearment, bear the truth of knowledge and understanding.

Tales of Tomasewski

Title: Tales of Tomasewski
Author: Del Staecker
Genre: Thriller/Mystery
Reviewer: Terry Shoptaugh

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): B009PMV65M

After an “unfortunate” shooting and its subsequent public uproar, veteran Chicago
Police Detective Jake Thompson is exiled to the department’s Administrative Investigations Unit, a no man’s land for rejects. Jake Thompson, aka Jan Tomasewski, is in cop purgatory—for doing the right thing. Jake has a nose for cases that punish him for doing what’s right. In fact, the hospital issued him a frequent-patient card with extra points—for habitually doing the right thing. A crayon box full of victims, villains, and friends vibrantly color the cases Jake encounters on Chicago’s gritty Southside and follows to the Caribbean, Hong Kong and beyond.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Steacker, Del
