'Red Sky at Morning' reviewed by Author Kathleen Foley

A few days ago, I heard from Kathleen Foley, wife of a Marine Corps hard-charger--and an exceptional author in her own right. Katie had just finished reading 'Red Sky at Morning', and wrote to let me know that she had posted a review on her website.Katie is the author of 'Dog Tags', and also 'The Target', two books in The Faith in Uniform Series, and both are enjoying critical acclaim and enthusiasm from her readers. I'm looking forward to reading the first book myself, and I think her novels would be welcomed by members of the MWSA.I don't always re-post reviews of the Michael Neill series, but her take on the book compelled me to share it. You can read her review here:


Work continues on the third book in the Michael Neill series. My anticipated completion date of January might have been a little optimistic, though.

I'll let you know...


Steve Wilson