WEM Phrase for February - "She/He Wrote Me a Letter"

Don't forget to submit something for the William E. Mayer Prize for Literary and Artistic Excellence for February. The inspiration phrase is: "She/He Wrote Me a Letter" You can submit anything -- essay, poem, short story, song, photo, painting, etc. The only requirement is that it be less than 1000 words exclusive of the title. Submit your work directly to me. It will be blind judged by a committee. The winner of each month will be published in the next Dispatches, will receive an award of buckaroos (Jim, how many buckaroos?) and put in the running for the annual award which is presented at the Awards Banquet on September 29 in Dayton OH. Also, the top entries will be published in our 2012 Anthology.

Joyce Faulkner
Author of Windshift, USERNAME, In the Shadow of Suribachi, For Shrieking Out Loud