Lead Reviewer Notes for February 2012

Auction Donations Needed

Please start making those now, almost anything is acceptable -- services, electronics, gift cards. If in doubt, email me LeansToFar@aol.com . You earn the value of the donation plus the difference between the value and the selling price in buckaroos.

Changes from last year

You get your buckaroos from your account at the conference auction this year instead of in your registration package. You will also not receive a banquet invitation. Instead we will have folks at the door the evening of the banquet to identify and seat you. This will avoid some of the confusion that occurred in the past. 

Winners Choice

We have an ongoing raffle, tickets are $25.00 each. This is for the scholarship award. The winner of the raffle can choose between an I-pad or Zoom tablet. Contact me for tickets. Raffle drawing is July 15th, 2012.

Review Postings

All of 2011 reviews and all completed 2012 reviews have been posted on new site. Waiting should no longer be an issue as they are posted to the site the day they are received from the reviewers. The exception being when I am out of town for a day or more, in which case they will be posted the day I return. There are a couple of ways of checking. Go to the web site and do a Book Search, or check the Review Waiting List to see if your book is no longer on it which means it is done and waiting to be posted. In any event, you will see your reviews much faster now. I will no longer be emailing copies to authors.

To submit a book for review

Go to the web site, top of the page, click on “Contact Us.” Fill in the information requested including -- title, ISBN/AISN, Genre, Author, synopsis, page count, and mediums the book is available in (paperback, hardback, kindle etc.). Go down to “Category” and click on it, in that window select “Book Review Query.” The information has been posted on the web site. Take time to become familiar with the site and the information available to you.

2012 Anthology Title

The poll to select a name for this year’s Anthology is closed. The name and theme of this year’s anthology is Silent Battlefields and the winner is jim greenwald. Be sure to send your story or poem to be included in this year’s anthology to mullins.m.1@comcast.net. Deadline for submissions is August 15, 2012. You earn 1,000 buckaroos.


We have volunteer reviewers and never enough of them. There are many books waiting to be reviewed and everyone wants their book done promptly. The volume of submissions and available reviewers controls the “promptly.” You the author must get the book once it is assigned to the reviewer in no more than ten days. If the book is delayed, the reviewer will be reassigned a different book and your work will go back into the pile for future assignment. Do not send arcs, rtf’s, pdf files etc. (If it is only an eBook, you should purchase a paid download and forward to me. If it is on Smashwords, purchase a 100% paid certificate and forward that). It is not fair for so many members to be kept waiting while authors who have been assigned a reviewer take weeks or a month or more to send the book.

Reviewers, please email the Lead Reviewer when you receive a book or you do not receive it by the tenth day after assignment. 

Book Review (information, questions etc.)

If you need information or have a question then email the Lead Reviewer (leadreviewermwsa@aol.com) or at LeansToFar@aol.com. Sending emails to Joyce delays a response because it adds an extra step to the process. So, if it involves anything to do with the review, judging, scoring, or posting of books, email me once you have checked the web site for information.


Members Mentioned: 
Greenwald, Jim