
Don't forget to submit for MWSA 2012 Anthology

All members have the right to submit an article, short story, essay, photo, illustration, or poem for the 2012 Anthology. The book is published at Conference time in September each year. Conference goers receive one in their conference bag so that they can use it as a yearbook, getting the signatures of their fellow MWSA members for a special keepsake. Other MWSA members can purchase one through Amazon. Send your submissions to MWSA VP Mike Mullins through the contact note on his profile in the Membership Roster.

Lost in the Blue Room

Title: Lost in the Blue Room
Author: Richard Barone
Genre: Fiction, Literary
Reviewer: Carmen Stenholm

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0975471163

America's-most-wanted-novel-that-nobody-wants holds one thousand passengers hostage 35,000 feet over the Atlantic and becomes the greatest bestseller of all time. Would the Twin Towers still be standing if federal air marshals were flying on September 11, 2001? Ex-sky marshal Jack King thinks so, and he's about to make the government and airlines pay for gross negligence. Armed with a top-secret gun-cloaking device, he hijacks a new blended-wing airliner and demands that the passengers take a journey with him back to 1970 when the original sky marshals flew. Andrea High flies first class for a living, compliments of the besieged airlines. Andrea is a college professor, a plastic surgeon, a Buddhist monk, or anyone that fits a sky marshal's cover story, except, of course, a sleeping passenger. To survive boring hours of wakefulness, waiting for a skyjacker to strike, Andrea writes a journal and challenges the woman of his present with the man of her past. Highly addicted to the anonymity of the job, Andrea explores drugs, violence, and sex, loses sight of the destination, and turns the story into a terrorism of obscurity--the very thing the passengers are helpless to destroy.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Barone, Richard

Book in the Wall, The

Title: The Book in the Wall
Author: John F. Simpson
Genre: Fiction, Literary
Reviewer: Bob Flournoy

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0975509950

The story takes place in the future and creates a realistic and believable vision of a society in which the citizens of the Islamic States of America must learn to live or die; it is a society where Sharia Law is the only law and the ISA is a member of the World Islamic Brotherhood. A startling, powerful, and terrifying novel that draws a vivid picture of a stark society where everyone lives in fear of the thought police. It is a world where the government can outlaw any technology or idea it considers offensive, a world where the most minor of offences is punished by public execution. The story is completely convincing and draws heavily on events that are taking place today in France, England, and Denmark. The author presents an insightful prophetic view of a world our grandchildren may have to endure if we do not act to prevent the nightmare from becoming a reality.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Simpson, John F.

War Remains

Title: War Remains
Author: Jeffery Miller
Genre: Fiction, Literary
Reviewer: Joyce Gilmour

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0557870135

Robert "Bobby" Washkowiak battles his way through the bitter first winter of the Korean War, longing for home, his wife, and newborn son. Fifty years later, his son and grandson come across his wartime letters and together, they try to find out what really happened to him on one of the battlefields of that "forgotten war."

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Miller, Jeffery
