
RAVEN ONE gives insight into today's tactical airstrikes

Operation Inherent Resolve conducted eight airstikes today in Iraq and Syria. The press release is fairly boilerplate, describing the general geographical area, results, and participating coalition countries. While releases of this nature are often seen as ho-hum routine, the public needs to know that they are NOT routine, and the men and women involved are under tremendous pressure and putting themselves at great risk. That they make it look routine is a testament to their professionalism. If you or your circle wish to know what it is like, my novel RAVEN ONE can shed light.

We'll All Die As Marines Radio Interview

I have finally published on YouTube the radio interview conducted Mr. Jay Douglas Barker of Toginet for iUniverse. It is way to long, but cutting it down to a reasonable length was way beyond the reach of this electronically-handicapped Marine Grunt. So, I added some photos throughout to perhaps relieve some of your boredom (I hope it works:-). Readers of the book will recognize the scenes in the photos even though many of them were not in the book due to space limitations.
