Air Force

And Then I Cried: Stories of a Mortuary NCO

In his first work, Justin Jordan details life as an Air Force Mortuary Non Commissioned Officer. Jordan holds nothing back, and shares in graphic detail how he honored America’s heroes, both at deployed locations and stateside. Jordan also shares how this job taxed his mental well-being.

And Then I Cried: Stories of a Mortuary NCO
by Justin Jordan
Book Category: Air Force Memoir
Reviewed by Terry Shoptaugh

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0985558245

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Jordan, Justin

Tours of Duty: Combat, Memorial Day & the Distinguished Flying Cross

My accomplishments during my 11-year military career earned me 29 commendations, including the Air Force Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal, the Air Force Commendation Medal, and the Humanitarian Service Medal. When I left the military, I was one of the most highly decorated in the command. 

History of Electronic Warfare in the Gulf War. Robert Stanek

As a combat flyer, I had several tours of duty in combat zones. I wrote a book about my experiences in the Gulf War. "Stormjammers: The Extraordinary Story of EW in the Gulf War" was talked about on NPR and featured in the Journal of Electronic Defense.

"Stormjammers" is available in print, audio and digital. If you like military history or gritty biographies, hope you'll pick up a copy today!
