Title: Kings of the Green Jelly Moon The Book Vol. 1.5
Author: Lloyd A. King, jim greenwald, James Randy Jellerson, Mike Mullins
Genre: Poetry, Book of Poetry
Reviewer: Claudia Pemberton
ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 146202789X
KINGS of the GREEN JELLY MOON presents a searing collection of poetry written by a group of Vietnam veterans-each successful in their craft, all award-winning poets in their own right. The title Kings of the Green Jelly Moon recalls the innocence of childhood, a time when children believed the moon was made of green cheese. Then Vietnam changed an innocent generation as truth of war became their reality. From the impact of war on young men and how they are forever changed to the stark reality that fighting in a foreign country, the poems in the collection offer, in verse, a Vietnam veterans' reunion. These soldiers were forever changed by the experience that war forces upon those who fight and return from battle. Those who were lost can never be forgotten.