
Across the Bridge

Title: Across the Bridge
Author: jim greenwald
Genre: Poetry, Book of Poetry
Reviewer: Lloyd A. King

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1604414294

A journey of the heart, enter and share the feelings, desires and emotions we all experience in this, the cauldron of the adventure we call life. Blended into who and what we become, who we wish to become. This is emotional poetry, sharing life and the deep feelings of the heart and soul. Each poem tells a story that I hope tugs at your heart or the corners of your mouth, and brings a tear to your eye or a smile to your heart..

Author(s) Mentioned: 
greenwald, jim

Vietnam in Verse: Poetry for Beer Drinkers

Title: Vietnam in Verse: Poetry for Beer Drinkers
Author: Michael "Moon" Mullins
Genre: Poetry, Book of Poetry
Reviewer: Lloyd A. King

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0595420702

I am Michael D. Mullins. I have written a book of poetry, telling my story when I was a grunt in Vietnam. I served there from March 1968 until March 1969. My unit was Delta Company, 3rd Battalion of the 7th Infantry in the 199th Light Infantry Brigade. Our motto was “Light, swift and accurate.” It could have easily been “light, sweaty and persistent.” We were mobile and proved it every day.

The stories I tell are about friends, vets I have met in various situations and my own experiences in the rice paddies of Southeast Asia. I continue to seek stories that inspire, concern, and delight me. They make me thoughtful, proud, and committed to their telling.

I have more to write and will continue to listen to the veterans I encounter on life’s road. There are 8.2 million of us, so I am sure I will not get to everyone, but to those from whom I have already learned and those in my future I offer my gratitude, my respect, and my thanks.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Mullins, Michael "Moon"


Title: Tracings
Author: Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Genre: Poetry, Book of Poetry
Reviewer: Bill McDonald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1599240173

Book of Poetry

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Howard-Johnson, Carolyn

From 'Nam With Love

Title: From 'Nam With Love
Author: Lloyd A. King
Genre: Poetry, Book of Poetry
Reviewer: Bill McDonald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): ISBN / EAN

A book of poetry about the author's experiences in Vietnam. Through poetry and illustrations, King tells the story of the combat soldier. He takes us from day one to day 365 captivating us with all the emotion and heartbreak of war. Both insightful and inspirational, Lloyd strikes a chord in the human heart.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
King, Lloyd A.
