
Vietnam in Verse: Poetry for Beer Drinkers

Title: Vietnam in Verse: Poetry for Beer Drinkers
Author: Mike Mullins
Genre: Audio Book
Reviewer: Bob Doerr

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): ISBN / EAN

I am Michael D. Mullins. I have written a book of poetry, telling my story when I was a grunt in Vietnam. I served there from March 1968 until March 1969. My unit was Delta Company, 3rd Battalion of the 7th Infantry in the 199th Light Infantry Brigade. Our motto was "Light, swift and accurate." It could have easily been "light, sweaty and persistent." We were mobile and proved it every day.

The stories I tell are about friends, vets I have met in various situations and my own experiences in the rice paddies of Southeast Asia. I continue to seek stories that inspire, concern, and delight me. They make me thoughtful, proud, and committed to their telling.

I have more to write and will continue to listen to the veterans I encounter on life's road. There are 8.2 million of us, so I am sure I will not get to everyone, but to those from whom I have already learned and those in my future I offer my gratitude, my respect, and my thanks.

"Vietnam in Verse" was recently awarded the Gold Medal for poetry in 2007 from the Military Writers Society of America.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Mullins, Michael "Moon"

She Wore Emerald Then: Reflections on Motherhood

Title: She Wore Emerald Then: Reflections on Motherhood
Author: Carolyn Howard-Johnson, Magdelena Ball
Genre: Poetry, Book of Poetry
Reviewer: David Tschanz

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1438263791

"[Both] poets continue to write poems that don't sound either like banal Hallmark cards or the bitter-at-dysfunctional-family jeremiads that habitually torture MFA writing workshop participants."
~Kristin Johnson, screenwriter and founder of the Warrior Poets Project

She Wore Emerald Then is collaboration on the subject of motherhood by award-winning poets Magdalena Ball and Carolyn Howard-Johnson, both of them mothers and daughters. They worked together on a book of love poetry called Cherished Pulse to the acclaim of reviewers. She Wore Emerald Then is available as both an e-chapbook and paperback and is illustrated with tender photographs by May Lattanzio. As it happens, it was released the week of death of Carolyn's mother--a fitting tribute.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Howard-Johnson, Carolyn
Ball, Magdelena

Twisted Tongues

Title: Twisted Tongues
Author: Ruth Naphas Gerhardt & jim greenwald
Genre: Poetry, Book of Poetry
Reviewer: Joyce Gilmour

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1451233191

The Twisted Tongues collection of "historical" poetry brings together two dynamic poets: Ruth Naphas Gerhardt (With Pen & Feather) and jim greenwald (Mitakuye Oyasin, and Tears for Mother Earth).

History unfortunately is written by the conqueror and therefore lacks the balance of truth one should expect in an accurate historical accounting. This collection presents facts, not fiction, of events that have taken place in this land that is now called the United States of America. In the "settlers" quest" for what was not available to them in their homelands, they set out to take from those who were the original inhabitants of this land. The result of this greed was hundreds of wars, multitudes of lies, and the committing of atrocities whose repercussions still resound today.

The writings within are not intended as complete history, but rather something to whet your curiosity enough to investigate on your own. Do so at your own peril as the truth can and will torture one's mind as it relates to beliefs held close as a result of the Declaration and Constitution. It should be embarrassing enough just to relate this one simple fact: out of the five-hundred plus treaties signed by Native Americans with the government of the U.S.A., the government cannot point to one it has honored.

The Supreme Court record, based on percentages of rulings against Native Americans is appalling. Rarely has any governmental body utilized archaic law with such contempt and disregard for fairness, equality, and reason. The court in one flagrant abuse of its powers used "latches" as an "excuse" to void the claims of land made by the Oneida. "Latches" literally means "they waited too long!" In Sherill (NY) v. Oneida, it was the lone deciding factor to toss out a legitimate claim to land that had, beyond a doubt, been stolen from the Oneida by the state of New York. Not one ounce of reality or consideration was given to the fact that by oppression in many of its forms the Oneida were not capable of mounting a sustained legal fight for what is rightfully theirs. That is why they lost their land.

We hope you enjoy this collection and are stirred to investigate on your own what really happened and still goes on today. Set aside all your hard learned theories and beliefs taught to you by "Hollywood." This is real!

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Greenwald, Jim
Gerhardt, Ruth Naphas

Sugar, Zeroes, and Lemon Drops

Title: Sugar, Zeroes, and Lemon Drops
Author: jim greenwald
Genre: Poetry, Book of Poetry
Reviewer: Bill McDonald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1608369811>

If you have never cried over someone who walked away, you have never loved. Poetry and love possess a symbiotic relationship. Poetry, like love, is best experienced. The deeper the experience, the better they are woven, the better the weave and the deeper the emotion. I hope my words reach into your soul. For when they do, I have succeeded and we have shared both smiles and teardrops on this, the stage we call life. May your life be filled with sugar and zeroes.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
greenwald, jim

Tears for Mother Earth

Title: Tears for Mother Earth
Author: jim greenwald
Genre: Poetry, Book of Poetry
Reviewer: Claudia Pemberton

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1607038161

This book is about a concern we should all share, keeping this planet, our home, alive for future generations to enjoy. It is about saving our planet, raising awareness, creating a concern within each person to do something rather than sitting back and wishing. I hope that something I wrote spurs you to action, to become involved in the saving of this planet. It would be hard to imagine a person not concerned enough to act to save what they have for their children, who deserve no less. That oft used phrase of “what can I do, I am only one person” rings hollow, for there is much an individual can do.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
greenwald, jim
