How To

Articles, columns, books, videos, and more explaining 'how to' do things.

Publishing 101: What Goes into the Pricing of a Book

Working with Publishers

It’s come to my attention that some members have some misconceptions about the publishing industry and the roles of publishers, editors, agents, publicists, etc. Publishing is a business and as such it is geared to make money, ideally for all concerned. But it does have its quirks and can be frustrating and infuriating at times.

The Healing Power of Writing

As I toured the country last year to do readings from my book, Gated Grief, often, someone in the audience asked me, “How long did it take you to write the book?” That seemingly straightforward question has no straightforward answer. The origins of Gated Grief, a portrait of my father's PTSD from World War II and how it shaped my childhood, lay in my fervent erratic outpourings in the journal I began “keeping” in high school. (strange word: keeping) Some of those entries became a part of the book.
