How To

Articles, columns, books, videos, and more explaining 'how to' do things.

Disability Compensation The Veteran's Guide Volume ll

Title: Disability Compensation The Veteran's Guide Volume ll
Author: Thomas van Hees
Genre: How-to/Business
Reviewer: Jim Greenwald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1604520701

My book is a self-help/ how-to publication. It explains how to negotiate the VA's claim filing process when seeking disability compensation for a service connected injury or condition. This book is a continuation of volume one with new information that was added to the benefits that a veteran qualifies for. It also delves more deeply into Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which was lightly touched on in volume one. It also includes many subjects and information that will help the Afghanistan
and Iraqi veteran. Basically this book covers all new information that was not available when volume one went to press.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
van Hees, Thomas

Wireless Messages: Once Bitten, Shy

Is this just me? I’ve been more than once bitten by the tones in my Internet emailed messages. I thought I’d learned from the past, but along came someone who misinterpreted what I wrote, probably due to tone. Once again, I've become shy, unsure ofmyself.

As for "bitten"– My ancestry includes England where a late 1400s printer translated an Aesop fable line from Greek to "He that hath ben ones begyled by somme other ought to kepe hym wel fro(m) the same." Through centuries of translations came the phrase, “once bitten, twice shy.”

You Can't Outsource Weight Loss But You Can Lose Weight and Stay Thin Forever

Title: You Can't Outsource Weight Loss But You Can Lose Weight and Stay Thin Forever\
Author: Ed Boullianne
Genre: Non-Fiction, How To
Reviewer: Joyce Faulkner

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0984389806

You Can't Outsource* Weight Loss...But You Can Lose Weight and Be Thin Forever! (* With a pill or meal delivered to your door.) Retired Navy Captain and former combat jet aviator, Ed Boullianne was devastated by the tragedy of his 46-year old sister's death. He was determined to discover why so many Americans like his sister suffer from obesity and poor health. Her early death became the catalyst for his successful weight loss journey and for sharing what he's learned with others struggling to achieve permanent weight loss. You Can't Outsource Weight Loss provides a no-nonsense way to lose weight and keep it off. This straight-forward guide doesn't recommend gimmicky diets or require super-human willpower. Ed has successfully maintained his ideal weight for over seven years, even while eating pizza and drinking wine. He distills confusing, contradictory information and dispels the abounding misinformation about weight loss. He provides a practical, do-able guide for your own weight loss journey with research-based facts, personal examples, useful charts, "green, yellow, and red light" foods, easily implemented practices and hilarious cartoons. Ed initially thought weight loss would be easy, approaching it with the resolute determination of a "can-do" pilot. But like so many of us in the United States, he found it challenging. He tried various methods to quickly lose weight without really understanding the fundamentals of how the human body works. Instinctively, he knew he had to know more and learned how to approach weight loss in a holistic sense. You Can't Outsource Weight Loss... shares what he learned about weight loss and healthy living as he realized that weight loss is one of the few areas of your life that can't be outsourced. You Can't Outsource Weight Loss explains why many of us unwittingly sabotage our weight loss due to the myriad of misinformation promoted by food advertising and the "weight loss world." Ed demonstrates how to achieve permanent weight loss and true wellness in modern day America by focusing on five key areas for success. He helps you customize your own weight loss plan, starting with self-awareness and how to first implement the easy steps. With this guide, you too can navigate your way through a successful weight loss journey and keep it off forever!

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Bouillianne, Ed

Has Been Cookbook

Title: Has Been Cookbook
Author: David Michaelson
Genre: How-to/Business
Reviewer: Jim Greenwald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0982760337

A photographic history of what has gone before, including vintage
and pioneer recipes along with their modern counterparts. 300 photos of old buildings and machinery. 275 recipes including the most popular dishes from the author's critically acclaimed restaurant, Cozy Cafe.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Michaelson, David

The Second Mouse Gets the Cheese: How To Avoid the Traps of Self-Publishing

Title: The Second Mouse Gets the Cheese: How To Avoid the Traps of Self-Publishing
Author: Carolyn Poling Schriber
Genre: Non-Fiction, How-To
Reviewer: Joyce Faulkner

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0982774559

You've heard the expression, "The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese." Which would you prefer? You are probably not terribly fond of worms. You don't even want to think about what the first mouse gets.

What does that have to do with self-publishing? Quite a lot, actually. The publishing industry has undergone something of a seismic shift in the past year. If you follow internet discussions about traditional publishing, you'll find authors being urged to make the shift to e-books and self-publishing, because that's where the "cheese" is.

Perhaps so, but the shift is not an easy one. The self-publishing option is full of traps for unwary little mice who jump into the fray without the necessary understanding of what all is involved. Carolyn Schriber’s first self-published historical novel, Beyond All Price, was on life-support for nearly a year. Then it made a spectacular recovery, winning two book awards and remaining on some of Amazon Kindle's "Top 100 Bestseller " lists for nearly two months. That was her piece of the cheese.

Now she is willing to share her story. She blogged about her experiences, starting with the first decision about self-publication. She kept track of her success and failures. She offered snippets of advice to other would-be writers. Now all those crumbs of information come together in an anecdotal account of what she learned and what you, too, need to know in order to get your piece of the cheese.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Shriber, Carolyn Poling
