
You Might Be an RVer If...

Title: You Might Be An RVer If...
Author: Thomas Van Hees
Genre: Humor
Reviewer: Rob Ballister

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1462625657

Every RVer started out in a tent in the wilds of this great nation even if it was only in in their own backyard. As RVers, we endure the difficulties of the camping and RVing because we love it and would have it no other way, regardless of the outcome. Besides the worst camping and RVing experience is better than the best day at work! Why do we do this? Because we are RVers and we are nuts!

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Van Hees, Thomas

In the Shadow Of a Badge

Title: In the Shadow Of a Badge
Author: Lillie Leonardi
Genre: Spiritual/Religious
Reviewer: Dick Hrebik

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1595717390

It is a narrative non-fiction, first-hand account of the spiritual experience
Lillie encountered while serving in her professional capacity as the
Community Outreach Specialist with the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Pittsburgh Division.

The book reflects her story of the visitation of Angels in the initial
moments at the Flight 93 crash site in Shanksville, Pennsylvania and her
personal interpretation of the historic facts leading up to and following the
events of September 11, 2001.

Lillie's memoir also details her subsequent diagnosis of Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD) and her on-going journey to heal and recover from its effects. Through the reconciliation of heart, mind, body and soul, her
trauma ultimately led to triumph by providing the catalyst needed to regain
her voice through writing.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Leonardi, Lillie

Your Life

Title: Your Life
Author: Scot Spooner
Genre: Spiritual/Religious
Reviewer: Ron Camarda

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1468536516

Achievement of life changing positive consequences, through personal
accountability and responsibility. The theme of the book is that we are all
very different, yet the same, and in that "sameness' there are universal
truths and lessons that can be applied to all humans.

The book chronicles my life from a young man, through becoming a soldier, a Green Beret, a member of Delta Force, and now a successful entrepreneur and book author.

The struggles and key times that the book highlights are: Coming from a
broken home, Alcoholism, Combat, PTSD, Being Fired, leaving the military, ALL personal relationships

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Spooner, Scot

In Our Duffel Bags: Surviving the Vietnam Era

Title: In Our Duffel Bags, Surviving the Vietnam Era
Author: Richard C. Geschke & Robert A. Toto
Genre: Non-Fiction Military/Army
Reviewer: Ron Camarda

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 146202355X

DECEMBER 28, 2011 - First Lieutenant Richard C. Geschke and Lieutenant Robert A. Toto co-authored a book sparking emotions and revealing buried memories of the Vietnam War within the book titled In Our Duffel Bags, just published by iUniverse.

Both men are longtime service buddies as well as friends and it is through
this book they share the sometimes harrowing events encountered during their service in the “War with no purpose; no mission statement.” This
narrative book uniquely conveys each man’s first hand experiences as
soldiers serving in the US Army during the Vietnam War era and their
transition to civilian life afterwards.

“I did not realize that I had PTSD, until I started to cry while I was out
walking near my home” said Robert Toto during a recent interview. “This
book became part of my therapy.” As for Richard Geschke, his memories came about differently as he said, “It wasn’t until I had a vivid dream of
reality about a trip down the Hai Van Pass which occurred forty years ago
that the thoughts of not only Vietnam but of my entire army experience came to my foremost thoughts. I immediately put them on paper, starting with the chapter titled “Going My Way” and followed by the chapter titled “Was That Forty-One or Forty-two Rockets?”

Both men entered the military through the ROTC program which put them in as an officer once completing college. “During our day there were protests,
draft card burnings and a very lively debate about the merits of the war.
Today, because we have an all volunteer army, the regular population is more or less mute on the war. Current debates about the wars are timid in
comparison to the Vietnam era,” said Richard Geschke.

Aside from the political unrest our country was going through, these men each had their battles with society dealing with the stigma of serving the country in a war which was shunned by their peers. For Robert Toto, “It was
difficult being in grad school once I was discharged. The undergraduate
students really had no clue of what military life was.” Richard Geschke
commented, “Vietnam was a different era altogether, with the protests and
the divisive politics of the times.” He summarized, “I didn’t make military policy, and all I did was to serve my country in an honorable way!”

The stories within In Our Duffel Bags are written in a down to earth manner
using language that makes it easy to relate to the storytellers. This is the
type of book that can be a captivating read for those wanting to indulge in
the mindsets of young men forced into becoming soldiers during a war in which no one wanted to fight.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Geschke, Richard C. & Toto, Robert A.
