Young Adults

Works for young adults.

Book news to Share

First, books news. Two new books out. Translations for German, French, Spanish and Italian. Likely also Portuguese, Russian, Turkish and Chinese with overseas editions for India and Indonesia done in English with publication in India. Second, Facebook. Recently, my followers rocketed to over 50,000. It's made sharing about my books, characters and creations a lot more fun, especially when you see 6000 or 7000 people have viewed something you posted. Hearing from a lot more readers in messages has been fun too.

Publishing 101 Part 3: The Agent

Welcome to the third installment of my series about the publishing industry. This segment is about the Agent. The bulk of this article largely contains anecdotal material about how and why I have an agent for my young adult books (who gets a 15% commission) and do not have one for my adult books—at least not yet—and my experience with said agent.

Believing in Horses

Title: Believing in Horses
Author: Valerie Ormond
Genre: Children Young Adult
Reviewer: jim greenwald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0973633026

Horse-crazy Sadie Navarro moves for the sixth time to Bowie, Maryland, only to find out her Navy dad is deploying to Afghanistan for a year. To ease the transition, Sadie's parents reward her with her dream of a lifetime, her own horse. “Lucky,” her beautiful tri-color pinto, quickly becomes her best friend and equine learning partner. Via the internet, Lucky and Sadie come across ten horses in a holding pen waiting to be sold at auction, and Sadie commits to saving them before harm comes to them.
With the help of her new teacher and classmates, a Maryland State Delegate, a local Washington TV reporter, a mounted policeman, her family and other colorful characters, she pursues her mission and faces unexpected roadblocks, some very dangerous for both her and her horse. Sadie faces head-on the challenges experienced by military families and demonstrates how young people can act to bring about change if they believe in what they are doing. In just a few short months, Sadie meets both good and bad people, and experiences joy, fear, disappointment, self-doubt, lost horses, and a level of responsibility she has never known before.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Ormond, Valerie

Reading Buddies: Investing in the Future

By the time I was eight years old I had hunted bear with bow and arrow, ridden across the open plains upon magnificent horses, and hacked my way through lion infested jungles. By the time I was ten years old, distant lands were no longer foreign and the world had become my playground.  All this and more I accomplished solely through reading without ever leaving my home. As a kid, books were my escape from a quarreling family and chaotic life. It wasn’t until later that I realized how my early love of reading had paved the way for my achievements in adulthood.
