How To

Articles, columns, books, videos, and more explaining 'how to' do things.

101 All-Time Best Quotes About Finding Financial Success, The

Title: The 101 All-Time Best Quotes About Finding Financial Success
Author: Randall Filbert
Genre: Non-Fiction, How To, Inspirational
Reviewer: Joyce Faulkner

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): B004Z8S6WC

The 101 All-Time Best Quotes About Finding Financial Success is the quintessential "must have" pocket guide to remind yourself that, you too, can find financial success. This Book is full of fiscal wisdom from the mouths of geniuses who have managed to succinctly capture complex financial theories and ideas and condense them into modest expressions that have withstood the tests of time.

Perhaps the best known and most frequently quoted legend of fiscal prowess is Benjamin Franklin. He was a hard working and innovative man and was one of America's earliest rags-to-riches successes. It has been well documented that, while a man of great wealth, he lived well below his means and championed frugality. His work ethic and innovative spirit made Franklin a self-made man and he was quick to point out that "He that rises late, must trot all day, and shall scarce overtake his business at night, while laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him."

You will find great wisdom and insight within these pages. If you can find a way to internalize some of these sayings, I implore you to do so. I have found inspiration in these quotes and I hope that you do as well!

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Filbert, Randall

Amazon ASIN Reminder

Hi everyone,

Just want to remind you to post your Amazon ASIN number for your book in the slot made available for it in your profile. This is how you get your book into the Amazon Members Book store. Also, I want to encourage you to include it in any blog entry so that folks can go right to the store and buy your book if they like what you are saying.  

Here's a more extensive explanation from Chris Wyatt, our web designer:

Don't forget to submit for MWSA 2012 Anthology

All members have the right to submit an article, short story, essay, photo, illustration, or poem for the 2012 Anthology. The book is published at Conference time in September each year. Conference goers receive one in their conference bag so that they can use it as a yearbook, getting the signatures of their fellow MWSA members for a special keepsake. Other MWSA members can purchase one through Amazon. Send your submissions to MWSA VP Mike Mullins through the contact note on his profile in the Membership Roster.

While You Were Away: 101 Tips for Families Experiencing Absence or Deployment

Title: While You Were Away: 101 Tips for Families Experiencing Absence or Deployment
Author: Megan Egerton-Graham
Genre: Non-Fiction, How To
Reviewer: Weymouth Symmes

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0981143601

While You Were Away is concerned with coping with the extended absence of family members, either on military deployments, or, one assumes, any lengthy absence. The book is an action plan to make that absence easier on the family remaining and the individual deployed. Mostly Megan concentrates on the family at home, with a particular emphasis on families with young children.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Egerton-Graham, Megan
