How To

Articles, columns, books, videos, and more explaining 'how to' do things.

Research - The Rule of Three

Research – The Rule of Three

By Blaine L. Pardoe


While I write in a lot of different genres, I do most of my research in military history and true crime.  I leverage a number of archives, historical societies, etc., in my work – just like many of you.  In doing this I wanted to pass on a tip that I have found useful.  I call it “The Rule of Three.” 

The Webmaster's Corner - Amazon ASIN Values

Being able to link directly to the Amazon database is one of the exciting new features of the MWSA website. However, there seems to be some confusion about the ASIN fields in our content forms and how those fields can be used. Also, there is a nice feature from Amazon that some people haven't discovered: inline Amazon links. 

Disability Compensation The Veterans Guide

Title: Disability Compensation The Veterans Guide
Author: Thomas Van Hees
Genre: Non-Fiction, How To
Reviewer: jim greenwald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1448985234

Disability Compensation The Veterans Guide is a comprehensive guide for the Veteran on how to negotiate the VA's sometimes difficult claim filing process when filing for disability compensation for their service-connected injuries and conditions. My book is a "No BULL" approach to filing claims and will walk the veteran through each and every step of the claim filing process.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Van Hees, Thomas

Breastfeeding in Combat Boots: A Survival Guide to Successful Breastfeeding While Serving in the Military

Title: Breastfeeding in Combat Boots: A Survival Guide to Successful Breastfeeding While Serving in the Military
Author: Robyn Roche-Paull
Genre: Non-Fiction, How To
Reviewer: Bill McDonald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0984503943

A much needed resource for active-duty mothers and mothers-to-be, who are seeking information and support on how to breastfeed successfully while serving their country.

Are you pregnant and in the military? Do you want to breastfeed, but just don't know how you can combine 12 hour shifts, training exercises, or deployment with breastfeeding your baby? Author Robyn Roche-Paull answers these questions and more in Breastfeeding in Combat Boots -- A Survival Guide to Breastfeeding Successfully While Serving in the Military. As a veteran of the United States Navy, mother of three breastfed children, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and La Leche League leader, Robyn Roche-Paull has helped many active-duty mothers breastfeed their babies. She has now compiled this knowledge into a comprehensive guide to help all mothers in the military breastfeed their babies successfully.

Most services now have written policies in place to support breastfeeding and direct commanders to provide a place and time for pumping milk. However, even with the policies in place, military mothers face unique circumstances that can make breastfeeding successfully a challenge. This book was written to help military mothers overcome the challenges they face so they can provide the best nutrition for their babies. Some of the topics covered include:

o How do I get breastfeeding off to a good start in only six short weeks?
o Can I pump while in the desert for training exercises?
o Is my pump allowed onboard ship?
o Do I need to pump and dump if I've been exposed to JP-8?
o How do I deal with co-workers who do not support my pumping while on duty?

These questions and more are answered in Breastfeeding in Combat Boots! In this book, Robyn Roche-Paull provides military moms with insight into the rewarding and wonderful aspects of breastfeeding on active duty, while also giving a realistic look at the challenges that lay ahead. If you are an active-duty pregnant or breastfeeding mother or you work with active-duty mothers, this book is a must-have book for your resource library. Not only is it comprehensive and easy-to-read, it also includes many testimonials from military moms who have successfully breastfed and are happy to share their experiences!

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Roche-Paull, Robyn

The Webmaster's Corner - Photo Galleries Live

As 2011 comes to a close, I am adding the final few features to the MWSA website before our "official" launch. Today, I added a link to the MWSA Photo Galleries from the Navigation menu. The gallery is where photos from many MWSA events will be posted. This feature will make it easier for people to locate photos: the albums will be organized by event name and date. 
