How To

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Simple Survival A Family Outdoors Guide

Title: Simple Survival A Family Outdoors Guide
Author: Gary L. Benton
Genre: Non-Fiction, How-To
Reviewer: Bill McDonald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0983042993

Gary Benton has previously authored twelve books of fiction, non-fiction, and Southern humor. Such notable authors as, Matt Braun, Stephen Lodge, Don Bendell, actor James Drury and many others have endorsed his work. This survival book, "Simple Survival, a Family Outdoors Guide," is a Silver Award Winner from the Military Writers Society of America. Gary spent over 23 years on active duty in the United States Air Force and retired as a Senior Master Sergeant. Years of wilderness outdoor skills are in this book, along with survival tips. Learn survival so during the next natural disaster or terrorist attack you and your family can survive! Learn to survive with just a survival knife and a little survival gear, or with a survival kit. Survival is simple, using Gary's skills, and anyone can become a survivor! Take this book along during your next camping trip or use it when facing a real emergency and learn survival of the fittest! Survive the simple way, the Simple Survival way. Become a survivor!

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Benton, Gary L.

Author Supplied Information


  1. Books must be published and have an ISBN
  2. Books can be any length
  3. Books can be published in any year, but they will be reviewed only once
  4. Authors may appeal review one time. Lead Reviewer will assign a new reviewer.  One review will be published, the scores will be averaged.
